Server Upgrade/Maintenance

There have been a lot of changes at Telepedia over the last couple of months. We migrated from the 'whiki.online' domain and saw massive increases in traffic following this, and our SERP rankings for certain wikis have increased massively as a result of the domain change. In comparison with December of last year (12/2022), we have seen a 23.5% increase in PV and a 29.7% increase in UPV; that's quite a fair deal considering how much of a new platform we are.

As a result of this, we're investing in our infrastructure to accomodate further growth and new features. When I founded Telepedia last year—then Whiki—I only intended on hosting a few wikis for my favourite television shows, and as a result, the server I chose didn't allocate a lot of resources and has been prone to slowing down over the last couple of months. With this in mind, I'll be moving the Platform to better hardware, with more resources available—including more storage, better CPU, and more RAM.

With this, I'll also be able to take advantage of some features that were previously unavailable or difficult to set up with the resources available; these include CirrusSearch/Elastica, and I'll also be experimenting with Varnish caching our content (although, this will be experimental and if it causes too many issues, will be abandoned).

Migrating is a bit of a tricky procedure with the wikis still active, but I'm wanting as little downtime as possible, hopefully, only a couple of minutes whilst the domains are pointed to the new server. As a result, I've set out this roadmap below that I'll be following, and for everyone else to follow too to see what will be happening and when. Note, there will obviously be some instances where certain things will need to be made unavailable to users to ensure that things are indeed moving as they should be.

Work already began on this move, and I've moved all of the wikis over to the new server, and are all now active at the whiki.online variant for testing. I'll be moving images over as the move comes closer. This was the reason for the downtime seen yesterday (28/01/2023), whilst testing went on and the service was temporarily taken offline due to a hiccup in testing.

Things were made a little difficult with the move due to an upstream bug in the extension we use to create wikis; we were able to assist the extensions creators with a little debugging which helped with a solution for the issue upstream. As a result of this, things can now get back on track with the move.

Wikis on the new platform can be viewed at their whiki.online counterpart (i.e., meta.whiki.online) for the interim — please note that images will not display yet because they have not been moved over.

  • Jan 27 — Wikis will be moved over to the new server with their databases from 28/01/2023; this means that some edits after this will not appear on the test sites, but will be added when the switch happens. Note: no edits will be lost, those on the new server will not reflect new edits, but they will be present at move.
  • Jan 28 — Varnish caching to ensure that it works properly on our new server.
  • Jan 29 — Phorge, and our editorial site will be moved over to the new server; investigations around Matomo to establish whether we will continue to support this as well as GA.
  • Jan 30 — the whiki.online domain will be retired.
  • Jan 31 — wikis will be set to read only mode 2 hours before the transfer, and wikis will be moved over to the new server.

If at any point issues arise, then I will revert back to the old server for the time being whilst things are being investigated. I will keep this blog post updated with new information as it arises. This is a necessary step in our development and should allow our infrastructure to grow in the future as we—hopefully—will too.

Please let me know if you have any questions, either on my talk page on Meta, or on Discord.

Written by OriginalAuthority on Jan 26 2023, 3:06 AM.

Event Timeline