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Overlapping Navigation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


List of steps to reproduce (step by step, including full links if applicable):

  • Log in.
  • Scroll down.

What happens?:
Because the navigation is long, it overlaps the Administration links.

What should have happened instead?:
The Administration section should be below the navigation.

Browser information, screenshots and other applicable information:
Firefox 114.0.1 (64-bit)

Screenshot of bug on Main Page:

Screenshot 2023-06-20 121824.png (453×342 px, 24 KB)

If a page is long enough, it doesn't overlap.
Screenshot of no bug on Category:Episodes:

Screenshot 2023-06-20 121932.png (520×379 px, 32 KB)

Revisions and Commits

Event Timeline

Deuterium51614 created this task.
Deuterium51614 changed the edit policy from "Task Author" to "All Users".Jun 20 2023, 7:33 PM

I suspect that this is caused by the advertisement in the sidebar. A quick hack to fix this was to append the contents directly to the toolbox, which is rendered before the advertisement (R6:64bba1b5c17f). This fixes the issue for the moment; does that meet your needs? I will look at a further fix to make the module appear somewhere else within the sidebar instead at a later date—but this should fix the issue for now? Let me know.

OriginalAuthority added a commit: Unknown Object (Diffusion Commit).Jun 20 2023, 7:55 PM

I suspect that this is caused by the advertisement in the sidebar. A quick hack to fix this was to append the contents directly to the toolbox, which is rendered before the advertisement (R6:64bba1b5c17f). This fixes the issue for the moment; does that meet your needs? I will look at a further fix to make the module appear somewhere else within the sidebar instead at a later date—but this should fix the issue for now? Let me know.

Yes, it's perfect. Thank you!