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Additional extensions
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Authored By
Jun 17 2023, 5:32 PM
Referenced Files
F188: image.png
Jun 18 2023, 7:43 PM
F186: image.png
Jun 18 2023, 7:43 PM
F184: image.png
Jun 18 2023, 7:17 PM
F182: image.png
Jun 18 2023, 1:38 PM


Please add the following extensions:

  • Popups-desc (required in order to enable <popups message>
  • TemplateStyles
  • MultimediaViewer

Event Timeline

Jph2 triaged this task as Normal priority.Jun 17 2023, 5:32 PM
Jph2 created this task.

MultimediaViewer should already be installed, and I'm able to use it on; can you confirm the same? Or confirm that it isn't working for you?

Jph2 changed the edit policy from "Task Author" to "All Users".Jun 17 2023, 8:30 PM

Yes, MultimediaViewer is working. Thanks.

I'm not sure. I was able to enable <popup messages>, so I thought you had uploaded the needed extension.

When I hover over a link, it gives the preview popup but is unable to generate the preview. I had seen in the miraheze discord support channel where someone said give it a day or two for a new wiki.

image.png (1×1 px, 313 KB)

In T15#216, @Jph2 wrote:

I'm not sure. I was able to enable <popup messages>, so I thought you had uploaded the needed extension.

When I hover over a link, it gives the preview popup but is unable to generate the preview. I had seen in the miraheze discord support channel where someone said give it a day or two for a new wiki.

image.png (1×1 px, 313 KB)

Thank you! The issue was with the text extracts extension being missing, which happens sometimes. Sometimes when an extension appears enabled in ManageWiki, it hasn't been enabled on the back end, not sure why it happens, its a known upstream issue with the extension. Nonetheless, I've enabled the extension for you on the back end and it now works as expected for some pages:

image.png (922×1 px, 143 KB)

For some reason, it isn't working on the main page, which I suspect is due to some of the divs and stuff, I've asked upstream at the WMF to see if they have any ideas.

Okay @Jph2, I've done some investigating, and this seems to be an upstream issue. I checked on Miraheze, and it also appears that linking to "main page" on Vanatas Miraheze also produces the same error; interestingly, Wikipedia-EN also has this issue, and linking to their main page also doesn't display any extracted text in the reference pop up.

image.png (440×748 px, 82 KB)
image.png (440×748 px, 57 KB)
EN Wikipedia

As per above images, seems like a common thing with the extension. I asked in the MediaWiki Discord, and the response was:

Your main page, like most, is too complex. If you check en.wp, we have the same issue There is a very limited set of things that can come before a lead paragraph. Basically hatnotes, infoboxes, and amboxes Anything else and TextExtracts will have a conniption.