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Platform wide PHP issues
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PHP has become a really big pain in the neck over the last couple of days. We're running PHP 8.1 on MediaWiki, and were formerly running PHP 7.4 on Phorge due to the depreciation warnings and such which were causing it not to function. Over the last couple of days, it has seemingly all switched over to PHP 8.1, which is a bit of an issue with Phorge, as now the OAuth module isn't working.

sudo update-alternatives --list php:


Looks like we have 3 different versions of PHP installed. We need to consolidate this, all into PHP 7.4, but if we do so, we're getting composer issues on MediaWiki.

originalauthority@telepedia-wiki:/var/www/html/mediawiki1$ composer depends php | grep 8.1
phpspec/prophecy                          v1.17.0    requires php (^7.2 || 8.0.* || 8.1.* || 8.2.*)

This isn't listed in composer.json, so I'll have to dig a little deeper on this one.

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OriginalAuthority created this object with edit policy "All Users".
OriginalAuthority claimed this task.

Looks like this was an issue with OAuth's composer. Fixed now and platform reverted to 7.4.