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Deleted wikis are still visible
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Deleted wikis are still visible for some reason, despite being deleted from databases.json and added to deleted.json—Miraheze faced this years ago, but it was presumed fixed.

| wiki_dbname          | wiki_sitename          | wiki_language | wiki_private | wiki_creation  | wiki_url | wiki_closed | wiki_closed_timestamp | wiki_inactive | wiki_inactive_timestamp | wiki_inactive_exempt | wiki_inactive_exempt_reason | wiki_deleted | wiki_deleted_timestamp | wiki_locked | wiki_settings | wiki_dbcluster | wiki_category  | wiki_extensions | wiki_experimental |
| mediawikistagingwiki | Telepedia Staging Wiki | en            |            1 | 20230618061806 | NULL     |           0 | NULL                  |             0 | NULL                    |                    0 | NULL                        |            1 | 20230618080359         |           0 | NULL          | NULL           | administration | NULL            |                 0 |
| testcwwiki           | TESTOA                 | en            |            0 | 20230618063327 | NULL     |           0 | NULL                  |             0 | NULL                    |                    0 | NULL                        |            1 | 20230618063513         |           0 | NULL          | NULL           | uncategorised  | NULL            |                 0 |
| theimperfectswiki    | The Imperfects Wiki    | en            |            0 | 20220920040739 | NULL     |           0 | NULL                  |             0 | NULL                    |                    0 | NULL                        |            1 | 20230607073135         |           0 | NULL          | NULL           | m/tv           | NULL            |                 0 |

Yet these wikis are still visible

Revisions and Commits

Event Timeline

OriginalAuthority created this task.
OriginalAuthority created this object with edit policy "All Users".
OriginalAuthority claimed this task.

Now fixed. It seems as though a wiki being deleted and being made invisible depends on the "missing wiki" file. This is not idea, but it works for now.

OriginalAuthority added commits: Unknown Object (Diffusion Commit), Unknown Object (Diffusion Commit).Jun 24 2023, 10:49 PM